
2024 Guide to Divorce and Paternity Cases in WIll County

Will County Court Information for divorces and paternity (parentage cases) - New Zoom  Will County has some new family law judges for 2024 and new Zoom information for each judge. Each judge has separate rules for matters such as using Zoom and scheduling pretrials. NOTE: nearly every judge requires that lawyers and litigants appear IN PERSON for contested hearings. For routine scheduling (usually noted as a 9:00 AM case time), certain judges allow Zoom and then some only on certain days of the week. ALSO, if the judge you have is out for the day, you will have to figure out what judge is handling that call. If you have a divorce case, it is most likely on the 7th floor If you have a parentage case (parents not married), it is on the 6th floor If you have a Order of Protection, it is on the 6th floor unless it has been reassigned to follow the divorce case The table below is a chart summarizing the court's procedures. MAKE SURE you check the clerk's office as judges routinely ...

Parenting Time and Parenting Decisions - Best Interest "Cheat Sheet"

Follow the link below for a downloadable PDF summary sheet of the factors judges use in Illinois to assess the best interests of children in setting parenting time (custody/visitation) or setting decision-making responsibilities.  Illinois Statutory Factors If you have 


  ***THE INFORMATION BELOW IS OUTDATED - CHECK MY POST FOR JANUARY 14, 2024 FOR NEW ZOOM AND COURT INFO** REMOTE HEARINGS ORDER  - The Illinois Supreme Court has encourage all counties to adopt procedures for the continued use of Zoom for court dates. The Will County courts have adopted this  Administrative Order  in Response. Will County has published all the judge's Zom inf BUT each judge can still set things up the way she or he wishes.  ALL FAMILY LAW JUDGES ZOOM INFO  JUDGE:                RM#    JUDGE'S CALL                              MEETING ID          PASSWORD NASH                  601    FAMILY/NON-SUPPORT         9847 035 0576           574662 TBD      ...

2023 Administrative Order - Will County Family Law judge assignments

This Administrative Order was effective January 3, 2021 but is  subject to change without notice. FAMILY (Divorce/Dissolution Cases):  All cases within this division are transferable between the judges assigned without written assignment order by the Chief Judge, and all cases wherein substitutions or recusals may occur will be reassigned by the Presiding Judge without having to be referred to the Chief Judge. Judge David Garcia (Presiding Judge) (Courtroom 702) Judge Derek W. Ewanic (Courtroom 701) Judge Victoria M. Kennison (Courtroom 703) Judge Domenica A. Osterberger (705) Judge Cory Lund (Courtroom 704) Motions, case management conferences, status calls, prove-ups, grounds hearings, status hearings and contested pre and post decree motions shall be heard Monday through Friday mornings. Trials involving remaining issues, custody, visitation, removals and post decree matters requiring extended testimony shall be heard at 1:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Pretrials shall be...

Parenting Classes required in a Will County Family Law Case

Illinois' Supreme Court Rules require that anyone getting a divorce complete parenting classes if there are minor children before the divorce is granted. Also in Will County, judges often require that the parents complete the parenting classes in paternity (parentage) cases as well. Sometimes the requirement can be waived by the judge but usually only when the last minor child is 17 years old.  IMPORTANT: If you filed the divorce case, you will not be able to complete it unless you did the parenting class and have the certificate of completion at the final court date. If the parent that didn't file the divorce refuses or fails to complete the class, the judge usually suspends his or her parenting time/visitation - at least until the class is completed and the certificate is filed with the circuit clerk. Parenting Classes options are available as follows:         1) IN PERSON - As sponsored by Catholic Charities in Will County. They are in p...

Zoom Information for Will County Family Law Judges - August 2022

Here is the Current Zoom Information for the Will County Divorce and Paternity Judges - THIS INFORMATION CHANGES REGULARLY. If you are having trouble getting information or logging in, contact the Will County Circuit Clerk's Office   For the Court-Approvel Zoom Information Sheet, click here Zoom Login Link: Judge Archambeault (Rm  701  – old 313) MEETING ID:  951 2005 0302 PASSWORD:  313   Judge Garcia (Rm  702  – old 307):   MEETING ID:  756 136 6153 PASSWORD:  30734   Judge Kennison (Rm 703 – old 306):  *Zoom with prior permission only   Judge Dow (Rm  704  – old 312) MEETING ID:  958 2123 0845 PASSWORD:  753923   Judge Colón-Sayre  (Rm  705  – old 308)   *Zoom on Wednesday mornings only MEETING ID:  955 2123 0845 PASSWORD:  011645   Judge Nash (Rm  601  – old 300) : MEETING ID:  984 7035 0576 PASSWORD:...

Judge Victoria Kennison's Administrative Order - eff 7/27/21

Judge Victoria Kennison is in Room 703 of the new courthouse (she was in room 306 at the old courthouse) and she has published some rules for her court room. These rules apply to lawyers and unrepresented parties as well. In a separate post, I will put up her rules for pretrial conferences which is only for lawyers. NOTE: court rules CHANGE all the time. This applies whether it is the supreme court down to the trial courts (like Judge Kennison's). Make sure you check to make whether there are newer rules! There were made effective July 27, 2021  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUDGE KENNISON'S ORDER REGARDING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Effective 7-27-21 Court Schedule: 9:00 a.m.: Case Management Conferences/Status Dates/ Presentment of Motions  Monday- Friday. 1 0:00a.m.:  Prove-ups Monday-Friday. 10:00a.m. -- 11:30a.m.:  Hearings/short Pre-Trials Monday-Thursday 10:30a.m:  First day of Trial...