Zoom Information for Will County Family Law Judges - August 2022

Here is the Current Zoom Information for the Will County Divorce and Paternity Judges - THIS INFORMATION CHANGES REGULARLY. If you are having trouble getting information or logging in, contact the Will County Circuit Clerk's Office 

For the Court-Approvel Zoom Information Sheet, click here

Zoom Login Link: https://zoom.us/join

Judge Archambeault (Rm 701 – old 313)

MEETING ID:  951 2005 0302



Judge Garcia (Rm 702 – old 307): 

MEETING ID:  756 136 6153

PASSWORD:  30734


Judge Kennison (Rm 703 – old 306): 

*Zoom with prior permission only


Judge Dow (Rm 704 – old 312)

MEETING ID:  958 2123 0845

PASSWORD:  753923


Judge Colón-Sayre (Rm 705 – old 308) 

*Zoom on Wednesday mornings only

MEETING ID:  955 2123 0845

PASSWORD:  011645


Judge Nash (Rm 601 – old 300):

MEETING ID:  984 7035 0576

PASSWORD:  574662


Judge Osterberger (Rm 602 – old 301): 

*Zoom with prior permission only


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