Will County Court Information for divorces and paternity (parentage cases) - New Zoom Will County has some new family law judges for 2024 and new Zoom information for each judge. Each judge has separate rules for matters such as using Zoom and scheduling pretrials. NOTE: nearly every judge requires that lawyers and litigants appear IN PERSON for contested hearings. For routine scheduling (usually noted as a 9:00 AM case time), certain judges allow Zoom and then some only on certain days of the week. ALSO, if the judge you have is out for the day, you will have to figure out what judge is handling that call. If you have a divorce case, it is most likely on the 7th floor If you have a parentage case (parents not married), it is on the 6th floor If you have a Order of Protection, it is on the 6th floor unless it has been reassigned to follow the divorce case The table below is a chart summarizing the court's procedures. MAKE SURE you check the clerk's office as judges routinely ...