Changes to the Family Law Division:

As of April 14, 2014, the Paternity Call in Will County will be split in half - now two judges assigned to help with the large growth in paternity cases. The two judges hearing paternity cases are Judge Viola in courtroom 301 and Judge Gavlin in courtroom 300 (Judge Archambeault to be moved to courtroom 313) Thus, as of April 14, 2014 the new case assignments are as follows:
Divorce Judges
  • Judge Robert Brumund (Courtroom 312)
  • Judge Dinah Archambeault (Courtroom 313)
  • Judge Matthew Bertani (Courtroom  308)
  • David Garcia (Courtroom  307)
  • Victoria Kennison (Courtroom 306)
Paternity Judges
  • Judge Viola (Courtroom 301)
  • Judge Gavlin (Courtroom 300)
**Here is the exact language of the most recent Administrative Order as of April 20145 - However these orders change on a routine basis so do not rely on this information until you have consulted with an attorney or confirmed with the court or clerk's office.           
DIVISION 5: FAMILY: Associate Judge Robert P. Brumund, Presiding  Effective April 14, 2014
All cases within this division are transferable between the judges assigned without written  assignment order  by  the Chief Judge,  and  all cases  wherein  substitutions or recusals may occur will be reassigned  by the Presiding  Judge  without  having  to be referred to the Chief Judge. The Presiding Judge may, as he deems necessary, rotate the assignment and length of the assignment of judges within his division.
           (A): DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE.  DECLARATION  OF INVALIDITY  OF MARRIAGE,  CHILD   CUSTODY   PROCEEDINGS   AND   ALL   POST   DECREE MATTERS  ARISING FROM  THE  ABOVE  CASES:  Associate  Judges  Robert  P. Brumund  (Courtroom  312),  Dinah L. Archambeault (Courtroom  313),  Matthew  G. Bertani  (Courtroom  308),  David  Garcia  (Courtroom  307)  and Victoria  M. Kennison (Courtroom 306).
           Motions, case management conferences, status calls, prove-ups, grounds hearings, status hearings and contested  pre  and  post  decree  motions  shall  be  heard  Monday through   Friday  mornings.  Trials  involving   remaining   issues,   custody,   visitation, removals and post decree matters requiring extended  testimony  shall be heard at I:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Pretrials shall be heard at 1:30 p.m. on Friday and at such other times as are scheduled by the Court.
          (B):    PATERNITY,  NON-SUPPORT  AND RELATED MATTERS PROSECUTED BY THE ILLINOIS ATTORNEY GENERAL’S OFFICE:  Associate Judge Marilee   Viola   (Courtroom  301) and Associate Judge   Chrystel L. Gavlin (Courtroom 300) will hear the Attorney General Support Enforcement calls on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 9:00 a.m. in Courtrooms 301 and 300.  All files will be assigned at the direction of the Family Division Presiding Judge.

          Motions,   case   management   conferences,   status   calls,   status   hearings   and contested motions shall be heard Monday through Friday at 9:00 a.m.
          (C):   STATE'S   ATTORNEY   SUPPORT   ENFORCEMENT CALL: Associate Judge Marilee Viola (Courtroom 301) will hear the State's Attorney Support Enforcement call on Wednesday at 9:00a.m. in Courtroom 301
          Motions, case management conferences, status calls, status hearings and contested motions shall be heard Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.
           (D):   ORDERS OF PROTECTION: Associate Judge Chrystel L. Gavlin (Courtroom 300) and Associate Judge Marilee Viola (Courtroom 301).    Emergency Orders of Protection will be heard at all times when Court is in session. Plenary Orders and extensions of emergency Orders will be heard Monday through Friday at 9:00a.m. and 1:30 p.m.    All  files  will  be  assigned  at  the  direction  of  the  Family  Division Presiding Judge.  It is understood that persons may apply for Orders of Protection at any time that Court is in session.
           (E):  FAMILY MATTERS ORIGINATING FROM THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS: Associate Judge Chrystel L. Gavlin (Courtroom 300). Filings for dissolution of marriage by residents of the Illinois Department of Corrections.

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