Zoom Contact for Will County Family Law Judges

This information is OUTDATED and replaced with:


Old Courthouse: 14 West Jefferson Street; Joliet, IL 

New Courthouse: 100 West Jefferson Street, Joliet, IL

Divorce Judges:

Judge Archambeault (Rm 701 – old 313)

Login ID: 951 2005 0302

Password: 313


Judge Dow (Rm 704 – old 312):

Login ID: 958 2123 0845

Password: 753923


Judge Ewanic (Rm 705 – old 308) **Now Judge Jessica Colon-Sayre**

Login ID: 955 6908 6067

Password: 011645


Judge Garcia (Rm 702 – old 307):

Login ID: 756 136 6153

Password: 30734


Judge Kennison (Rm 703 – old 306):

Login ID: 972 3796 2180

Password: 578874

Paternity Judges:

Judge Lund (Rm 603 – old 301):

Login ID: 860 206 7112

Password: 301301


Judge Nash (Rm 601 – old 300):

Login ID: 984 7035 0576

Password: 574662

NOTE: As of June 18, 2021, Zoom is still with us but you should check your last court order to see what it says about your next court date. Many judges are moving back to in person court and if you have a case into later this Summer, it may change by then if it is Zoom into in person. In person will be the preference for most every judge if it is a hearing or trial where the judge swears in parties and witnesses to testify or there are a substantial amount of documents to use.

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